All Pacific NON-health Majors and employees are not required to have COVID-19 vaccinations.

Enrolled health sciences professionals are required to have the updated Covid-19 vaccine per CDC recommendations below:

  • Everyone enrolled in on-campus Health Sciences Programs, including Dugoni, is required to have 1 dose of an updated COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer) to protect against serious illness from COVID-19.

More information can be found here on our COVID-19 Update site.

University Immunization Policy

Policy TitleImmunization Policy
Policy Category*Safety and Security
Policy OwnerStudent Life
Initial Policy Approved02/1/2019
Current Revision Approved04/8/2022
Scheduled Revision DateAnnual review and revisions based on CDC immunization updates
Last Updated03/21/2022
Policy ScopeUniversity-Wide, all three campuses
Related PoliciesImmunization medical exemption policy
Related FormsUniversity Immunization Medical Exemption Form


This Policy mitigates the risk of our students contracting vaccine-preventable illnesses that could be acquired at any of our three University campuses. To this end, the University has implemented a collaborative plan that will ultimately require incoming undergraduate, graduate, and professional students to provide proof of vaccination and/or immunity to vaccine-preventable diseases and undergo screening for tuberculosis.


This policy requires all matriculating incoming undergraduate, graduate and professional students, studying on any of Pacific's three campuses to meet the immunization requirement by the first day of the first term at the University.


ContactResponsible Items
Student Health Services (SHS)Oversight of the development, implementation, and enforcement of this policy that includes placing and removing academic holds. SHS operates under the oversight of the Vice President of Student Life.
Office of Admissions for all three campusesCommunicating the pre-enrollment immunization requirements to students as part of the student acceptance packets and admissions website.
Assistant Dean of StudentsReviews and resolves alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and University Policies related to falsification of immunization records and student non-compliance.
Academic Deans and Program Directors/ CoordinatorsDisseminates immunization requirement communications to all new incoming students in their programs.


Incoming StudentsAll matriculating (degree seeking) incoming undergraduate and professional students, studying on any of Pacific's three campuses for a period of one academic quarter/semester or longer.
Health Profession Academic ProgramsAthletic Training, Music Therapy, Dental, Dental Hygiene, Physician Assistant, Audiology, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Social Work, Nursing
Distant Learning ProgramsOnline educational programs (students are not physically present on campus)
In ProgressStudents have been in contact with student health services via medical portal, email, or in person and are in process of completing the requirement.

Policy Statement

Incoming students are required to obtain and submit proof of immunity from the following diseases and complete a Tuberculosis (TB) screening questionnaire prior to the first day of their first term at the University. 

Notice: All incoming students are REQUIRED to complete the MINIMUM vaccination requirements and undergo screening for Tuberculosis (TB).

Minimum Vaccination Requirements & ScreeningRequired Dosage & Screening Information
Vaccine: Measles, Mumps and Rubella(MMR)
  • Two (2) doses with first dose on or after 1st birthday; OR
  • Positive titer (laboratory evidence of immunity to disease)
  • Students born after 1956
Varicella (Chickenpox)
  • Two (2) doses with first dose on or after 1st birthday; OR
  • Positive titer. Note, a history of contracting the disease does not meet compliance.
  • All students born after 1979
Vaccine: Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap)
  • One (1) dose after age 10
Vaccine: Meningococcal conjugate (Serogroups A, C, Y, & W‐135)
  • One (1) dose on or after age 16 for all students who are under 22 years of age. (Students 22 or older may leave blank) 

Screening: Tuberculosis (TB)


*Health Profession Academic Students DO NOT need to submit this screening. Students are required to meet the Tuberculosis Skin Testing (TST) requirement for health profession academic programs listed below.

  • All incoming non-health profession students must complete a TB screening risk questionnaire.
  • Incoming students who are at higher risk for TB infection, as indicated by answering “yes” to any of the screening questions, should undergo either a Tuberculin Skin Test (TST)or blood testing (QFGT) for TB infection within 6 months prior to the first day of their first term at the University.
  • Students with a history of positive TST, Blood Test (QFGT) or disease must also provide a chest x-ray report that has been completed within 6 months prior to the first day of their first term at the University.


Note: Health Profession students are REQUIRED to complete ADDITIONAL immunization requirements and undergo Tuberculosis (TB) testing:

Additional Vaccination Requirements & Screening 
  • Required Dosage, Screening & Additional Information

Vaccine: Hepatitis B vaccine (Hep B)

Proof of Immunity: Hepatitis B antibody titer blood test

  • Three (3) doses
  • Quantitative Hepatitis B surface antibody titer
  • Restart series (3) for Negative antibody titer result
Vaccine: Influenza vaccine (Flu)
  • Current Season/Annually

Tuberculosis Skin Testing (TST):

No history of positive TST or disease

  • 2-step TST screening within 3 months prior to matriculation or QFGT

History of positive TST, Blood Test or disease

Chest X-ray within 6 months prior to the first day of their first term at the University.

  • Documentation of previous BCG vaccination, Latent TB treatment or Active TB treatment, as applicable (Required for clinical rotation placements).
  • Student with a positive TST, Blood Test or history of disease will need to complete the tuberculosis symptom review annually.
Covid-19 vaccine
  • Everyone aged 12 years and older ‡ should get 1 dose of an updated COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna, Novavax or Pfizer) to protect against serious illness from COVID-19


Recommended Vaccinations 
Hepatitis A vaccine (Hep A)
  • All students regardless of age
Human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV)
  • For men and women through age 26 years
Influenza vaccine (Flu)
  • Annually: all students regardless of age
Meningococcal B (Meningitis B)
  • Students ages 16 - 23 who elect vaccination after discussion with their healthcare provider.
Meningococcal conjugate (Meningitis)
  • Students up to age 23
Pneumococcal vaccine
  • For students with certain medical conditions (e.g. severe asthma, diabetes, chronic liver or kidney disease)
Polio virus vaccine (Polio)
  • Regardless of age, if the series was not completed as a child
Vaccines for international travel
  • Based on destination


Exemptions to This Policy

  • Students with a medical condition that prevents them from being safely vaccinated may apply for a medical exemption
  • Students enrolled solely in a distance learning program
  • Students enrolled only in non-credit programs

Sanctions for Violations of This Policy

Students that do not meet the requirement by the first day of their first term will have a registration hold placed on the first business day following the add/drop deadline of that term. Reasonable extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis (e.g. late admits, vaccines in progress, etc.) by Student Health Services in consultation with the student’s respective academic program dean, coordinator, director, or designee. Once the student fulfills the requirement, the registration hold will be removed. Falsification of medical records or answering the tuberculosis-screening questionnaire dishonestly will result in a student code of conduct investigation that may result in consequences up to expulsion.


Extensions are granted on a case-by-case basis (e.g. late admits, vaccines in progress, etc.) by Student Health Services in consultation with the student's respective academic program dean, coordinator, director, or designee.







The University of the Pacific allows for exemptions to immunization requirements based on medical conditions that are contraindications to vaccinations for the following vaccines: MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), Varicella (chickenpox), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) or Meningococcal conjugate (Serogroups A, C, Y, & W-135) for certain groups of students.

A list of established medical contraindications to vaccines can be found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website for Guide to Contraindications.

Starting January 1, 2021, all new medical exemptions for school and child care entry must be issued through CAIR-ME.  Parents can create an account in CAIR-ME and apply for an exemption. They will receive an exemption application number to give to their child’s physician. The physician can register for an account in CAIR-ME and log in to issue the ME.  Once the ME is issued, the physician prints the form and provides a copy to the parents to give to their child’s school or child care facility.

If the exemption is denied, the student must comply with the immunization requirements prior to the next academic term in order to register. 


Required Health & Immunization Requirements

(Audiology, Athletic Training, Clinical Nutrition, Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, Music Therapy, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Speech Language Pathology, and Social Work)

Printable Health Requirement Checklist (pdf)

Submit your immunization records on the Medical Portal under Medical Clearance or send a Message to the Immunization Compliance Team.

Physical Examination

  • Physical Examination to be completed no greater than 3 months prior to matriculation

Physician Assistant: Annual Requirement

Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Titer (Blood Test)

  • Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer results proving immunity (quantitative preferred; qualitative accepted).
  • For negative titer results, submit documentation of previous Hepatitis B vaccination(s) and demonstration series has been restarted.

Nursing Program: Quantitative Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer proving immunity as a numerical value (within 5 years) and documentation of Hepatitis B vaccination(s). 

Occupational Therapy Program: series of 3 doses only; Quantitative Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer due prior to clinical experiences

Pharmacy/Physician Assistant Programs: Quantitative Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer proving immunity as a numerical value (within 5 years).

Physical Therapy:

  • Evidence of completion of the Heplisav-B 2-dose vaccination series OR completion of an approved Hepatitis B 3-dose vaccination series
  • Evidence of a positive titer for Hepatitis B (with lab report) is also required
  • If a student obtains a Hepatitis B titer, and the result is negative/low/equivocal/borderline, the student must provide evidence of a booster AND a repeat titer 
  • Students who have submitted proof of at least 1 vaccination for Hepatitis B by the due date can begin classes as long as a formalized plan for completion is in place with the program before the due date (Jul. 15)

MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)

  • Two documented doses OR Antibody titer proving immunity (quantitative preferred; qualitative accepted)

Nursing Program: Two documented doses AND Antibody titer proving immunity (within 5 years)

Pharmacy/Physician Assistant Programs: MMR antibody titer proving immunity (within 5 years)

Physical Therapy Program:

  • Evidence of completion of the initial 2-dose vaccination series
  • Evidence of a positive titer for MMR is also required
  • If a student obtains a MMR titer, and the result is negative/low/equivocal/borderline, the student must provide evidence of a booster AND a repeat titer 
  • Students who have not submitted proof of MMR booster and repeat titer by the due date can begin classes as long as a formalized plan for completion is in place with the program before the due date (Jul. 15)

Varicella Vaccine (Chickenpox) — Documentation of disease is not acceptable

  • Two documented doses OR antibody titer proving immunity (quantitative preferred; qualitative accepted)

Nursing Program: Two documented doses AND antibody titer proving immunity (within 5 years)

Pharmacy/Physician Assistant Programs: Varicella Antibody titer test showing immunity (within 5 years)

Physical Therapy Program:

  • Evidence of completion of the initial 2-dose vaccination series
  • Evidence of a positive titer for varicella is also required
  • If a student obtains a varicella titer, and the result is negative/low/equivocal/borderline, the student must provide evidence of a booster AND a repeat titer 
  • Students who have not submitted proof of varicella booster and repeat titer by the due date can begin classes as long as a formalized plan for completion is in place with the program before the due date (Jul. 15)

Tdap Vaccine (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis) Td Vaccine (Tetanus, and diphtheria toxoids)

  • One documented dose of Tdap (after age 10)
  • Td booster every 10 years

Nursing Program: One documented dose of Tdap within 10 years of matriculation

Physician Assistant Program: One documented dose of Tdap within 3 years of matriculation

Influenza Vaccine (Annual Requirement due by Nov. 1)

  • Documentation of Influenza for current season
  • Influenza Declination Form – check with program coordinators if clinical site mandates vaccine and/or mask requirements. Submit declination form to medical portal and to program coordinators.

Dentistry Program: clinics TBA in October

Nursing Program: Annual requirement due by Oct 1.

Physical Therapy Program: Vaccination must be completed between Aug. 15-Sept. 30, annually.

Tuberculosis Testing Initial Requirement

  • No history of positive PPD test or disease:
    • 2 step PPD screening or QFGT blood test within 3 months of matriculation
  • History of positive PPD or disease:
    • Chest X-ray within 6 months of matriculation.
    • Documentation of previous BCG vaccination, latent TB or active TB treatment
  • Annual Requirement:
    • No history of positive PPD or disease: 1 step PPD
      Pharmacy Program: 2 step PPD/QFGT
      Physical Therapy Program: 2 Step PPD or QFGT must be completed between Aug. 15-Sept. 30, annually
    • History of positive PPD: complete Tuberculosis review form (additional requirements if medically indicated)

Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine

  • One documented dose administered at 16 years of age for students under 22 years of age at entrance

COVID-19 Vaccine

  • Everyone enrolled in on-campus Health Sciences Programs, including Dugoni, is required to have 1 dose of an updated COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer) to protect against serious illness from COVID-19.

Submit your immunization records on the Medical Portal under Medical Clearance or send a Message to the Immunization Compliance Team.

  • Complete Health History Questionnaire
  • Enter immunization dates and submit immunization/lab documentation
  • Acknowledgement of Patient Lab Service Policy
  • Acknowledgement of No Show Cancellation Policy & Fee Schedule
  • Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices
  • Physical Exam (pdf) strongly recommended but not required
  • Complete Tuberculosis (TB) Screening
  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) Series
    • Two documented doses OR antibody titer showing immunity 
  • Varicella Vaccine (Chickenpox) Series
    • Two documented doses OR antibody titer showing immunity 
    • Documentation of Varicella disease is not acceptable
  • Tdap Vaccine (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis)
    • One documented dose of Tdap after age 10
  • Tuberculosis Screening Questionnaire
    • Students at higher risk for TB infections, as indicated by answering "Yes" to any of the screening questions is required to undergo a PPD skin test, blood test (QFGT), or chest x-ray within 6 months prior to start of matriculation.
    • Provide documentation of previous BCG vaccination, latent TB or active TB treatment
  • Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine
    • One documented dose given on or after 16 for all students who are under 22 years of age.